Home DUMB Fight in Philadelphia Airport Over Fees DUMBPEOPLE Fight in Philadelphia Airport Over Fees By greg - February 7, 2023 498 0 FacebookTwitterReddItPrintTumblrDigg The fight started because the airline charged the passengers extra fees for their oversized carry-on baggage. But if that isn’t dumb enough, just watch as several people just standing around filming the incident with their cellphones. Brat refuses to remove her feat off of the seatDateFebruary 1, 2023In relation toDUMBDumb StarbucksDateFebruary 9, 2023In relation toBusinessesDumb Family Feud FamilyDateJanuary 25, 2023In relation toGame Show RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR DUMB Unruly Passenger Arrested After attempting to enter Cockpit DUMB Food Delivery Guy walks on the court during a basketball game DUMB Murder Suspect Calls Cops Over Cold McDonald’s Fries